This year may not be the year for you to sell your business. However, if it is next year or the year after, here are a few quick tips to help you plan & prepare (get started now!):
- Train your staff to take over your role in the business
- Try to secure your suppliers
- Expand your client base
- Keep a tight control on your debtors
- Use a qualified accountant or bookkeeper to do your books
- Get a valuation done and understand the basic valuation principles
- Keep a tight control on expenses and avoid putting personal expenses through the books
- If you pull cash out, start keeping it in
- Prepare basic operation manuals
- Ensure all health & safety issues are addressed and well-managed
- Ensure plant & equipment is working and well maintained
Contact Hallmark Business Sales today for more information on getting your business ready to sell – even if it is not for another year or more! One of the keys to a successful sale is having great records and operations in place. The sooner you start with this, the faster and more successful the sale of your business will be on every level.